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More than half the world’s school-aged children are not learning. Across the world, the most deprived, marginalized and disadvantaged children are the most affected by this global learning crisis, such as those caught up in emergencies, facing extreme poverty or discriminated against because of their gender, disability, ethnicity or religion.

Education saves lives, ensures that children gain the skills necessary to learn, provides protection, and builds peace and stability globally. Save the Children uses programmers that are proven to tackle the barriers to children’s learning, with a focus on the most deprived children. We influence global and national policy to improve children’s access to quality education, from pre-school care through to adulthood. Specifically, we focus on three areas:

Start Early

We will work with families and communities in the years leading up to school to improve child development outcomes and establish the foundations for learning.

Foundational learning

We will strengthen the quality of education so children in the early grades learn to read, write and use numbers in environments that promote their wellbeing.

Uninterrupted learning

We will ensure no child’s learning stops because they are caught up in crisis.